Chakra Cleansing and Healing

What is a Chakra?
A chakra is commonly know as a vortex or wheel of light. Chakra’s can be in the form of a vortex, which pulls or expels energy. They can also be experienced as a two dimensional disk by some or a three dimensional sphere rotating like a globe filled with energy and light.

We have 7 main local chakra’s and a few hundred smaller ones littered throughout our energy systems. Our chakra’s require regular maintenance in order for us to function efficiently on a daily basis. Chakra’s are communication centres which enables us to perceive our environment whether it be internal or external to our being. These chakra’s also provide vitality to the localized organs and glands promoting well-being to any damaged systems.

Chakra Cleansing:
For many of us, when we look at a picture of a flower we see how the light hits it, creating various shades of the same colour, as well as the other natural colours the flower or surrounding environment holds. The chakra’s are no different.

When your energy system is not being maintained they can become dull and murky leaving us in the similar place mentally, emotionally and physically. Chakra cleansing is required to revitalize and re-balance the chakra(s), there by brightening and raising them to their truer frequency and vibration.

Chakra Healing:
If a chakra is out of phase it can create emotional, mental and physical issues for the individual or others who come in close proximity of the individual in question. Unlike chakra cleansing, chakra healing repairs the damaged chakra and re-balances it with it’s counterpart (i.e. the opposing chakra to the throat is the sacral). A damaged chakra however can be the result of an organ or glandular imbalance producing similar effects, but doesn’t seem to balance through normal methods. Chakra healing can incorporate energy meridians, energy bodies and the affected chakra in question. Treatments will vary as each individual’s issues are unique.

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